Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Anti-aging skin care facial recipes

Did you know that the use of natural skin care and techniques dates back to ancient times? 
 History has shown us that natural skin care recipes do indeed have amazingly powerful rejuvenating capabilities.

Fox News Couldn't Agree More! 

The Fox News Morning Show spotlights the rejuvenating power of anti-aging skin care recipes
in our new book Naturally Skinsational ~ Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes:

The Safest Breast Enlargement Method on the Market

Are you looking for a safe, but fast breast enlargement product? Are you tired of using ineffective
creams, exercises and pills? Then you should consider Triactol Bust Serum. It contains no chemicals,
harmful preservatives, artificial coloring or synthetic hormones. Using this product will provide you
with a safe and risk-free breast enlargement system that will deliver real results!

Why It's Safe

All-natural products are plant-based. Triactol is made with Mirofirm, which is a pure extract of P.
mirifica. This herb comes from Thailand and grows in the deciduous forests. Locals have used it for
centuries as an effective way to enlarge breasts. Remedies that have been proven to work for
hundreds of years are more effective.
Summer Campaign Banner 

Healthy, Beautiful Skin In Just 3 Easy Steps!

While the causes of acne are many and complex, one thing is certain: 

Beautiful skin starts on the inside!

So why do 98% of over-the-counter acne treatments just focus on "cleaning" your face? Acne is rarely JUST about pores clogged by dirt, bacteria, oil, etc.

Breakouts are aggravated by INTERNAL factors, too, like...
Hormone imbalances
Poor diet
Sluggish digestion
Improper liver function

... So it only makes sense: A truly COMPLETE acne treatment system must address these important INTERNAL issues too!

Your skin is your largest organ... So proper internal functioning is ESSENTIAL, because build ups of toxins and out-of-whack hormones are reflected outwards through your skin in the form of, you guessed it, acne!

That's why ClearPores™ is scientifically formulated and is manufactured in a cGMP certified pharmaceuticals-grade lab to combat your acne from BOTH the inside and the outside with a three-step system that aims to restore BALANCE to your skin...
Marabou Limited 

Unveiling top 6 acne myths

Like many other common disorders and diseases, there have been several myths and unrealistic assumptions associated with acne. The main cause of the formation and spread of these myths is lack of proper understanding of the disorder, little or no knowledge about the development of disease and unnecessary delay in diagnosis and treatment of acne.
The following article attempts to explain some of the common acne-related myths and also throws light on the actual reality behind each of these myths.

Myth 1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene or washing
Fact: Acne is not caused by poor hygiene, sweating, or not washing. These factors do not cause the clogged pores that contribute to acne development. While medicated washes containing benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are one form of treatment for acne, simple soap and water does not treat the condition.

Myth 2: Acne is caused by diet
Fact: Acne is not caused by diet. No scientific connection has been found between diet and acne. No food, not chocolate, fries, pizza, or any other food, has been shown to actually “cause” acne. However, diet can play an important role in lessening or aggravating the intensity of the disease.

Myth 3: There is no treatment or cure for acne
Fact: Acne does not need to be allowed to run its course. The condition can be treated as there are prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC) products (although medicines are never free of side effects) for it. There have been also some natural or herbal treatments for acne that have, to date, no reported side effect.

Myth 4: I can prevent acne from washing my face more often
Fact: No. You cannot prevent acne from washing my face more often. Dirt does not cause acne. It is the overproduction of oil (sebum) from within the skin rather than the surface oil/dirt that leads to acne.

Myth 5: Squeezing a pimple may help me get rid of those notorious pimples
Fact: Absolutely not. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Squeezing a pimple may cause the contents of the follicle to rupture into the tissue rather than being expressed to the surface of the skin. This can cause tissue damage and scarring. Sometimes a medical provider will open a pimple or cyst with a special instrument designed not to damage the tissue, but you should avoid squeezing or picking pimples.

Myth 6: Excessive or frequent face make-up causes acne

Fact: While wearing make-up can actually “aggravate” some cases of acne by continuous clogging of your skin pores, wearing make-up is NEVER considered as the single reason for the development of acne. The best way to avoid acne in this case is to choose products (such as Clear Skin Max) that essentially consist of a variety of acne skin solutions such as vanishing mask, oil control cleansing gel, emergency repair, conditioning lotion and skin moisture cream. This will not only allow you to wear make up in the normal, regular way but will additionally help clear the clogged pores in a safe, natural way.

Roduve Healthcare Soltuions

The “anti aging” effect of HGH

What makes us old…?
As you grow older and older, the amount of HGH your body produces begins to decrease, and it eventually stops the growth of this very important hormone. This decline in HGH is known as somatopause. Similarly, the reason that you cannot lose weight when you begin to age is because of the continuous decline of this critical hormone. According to an estimate, levels of HGH and IGF-1 naturally decline after the age of 30, though the pituitary never stops producing them completely. The amount of HGH, after the age of 21 to 31, falls about 14% per decade, so that the total 24-hour growth hormone production rate is reduced in half by the age of 60.
This drop in the balances of human growth hormone is what may provoke us to seem old and give rise to age-related health problems such as diabetes. The wrinkles you begin to see on your face, your energy level and all those joint pain that you never felt before can be due to the lack of HGH in your body.
As mention above, the decline of Growth Hormone with age is directly associated with many of the symptoms of aging, including cardiovascular disease, increased body fat, osteoporosis, wrinkling, gray hair, decreased energy, reduced sexual function, and other symptoms. Many of these symptoms have been also found in younger adults who have human growth hormone deficiency.
Due to the fact that HGH production decreases as we age there is a wide array of effects that this has on the body and most of these aging symptoms occur due to the loss of protein in the tissues, which is often replaced with fat. The physiological effects of this process include increase in fatty tissue, an increase in wrinkling of the skin while, at the same time, a decrease in muscle strength and overall muscle mass.
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